Different Flags by Eugenia Renskoff

Different Flags, a book by Eugenia Renskoff, tells the story of 26-year-old Ani. Ani leaves her comfortable but stifling life in San Francisco to travel to Argentina to comfort her widowed Aunt Esther. Once back in her native country, Ani must face her unexpected feelings of love for Padre Luis, her aunt's young and handsome parish priest. Different Flags is a study of Ani's inner conflict.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

I am a writer, translator and teacher of Spanish and English to foreign students. I have been writing since I was six. I love to express myself through words. I have also traveled widely.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


The reader must care about a character, especially the main one. The reader has to want to know what will happen to the protagonist, he or she must be eager for the story to have a happy ending. All that matters is the protagonist's fate, what will happen to her, how the story will turn out for her. Will she solve her dilemma? Will she get where she wants to go?The protagonist doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, a few flaws make her more real, more loveable. We want her to win because she's like us and not us at the same time. She could be us if we were the heroine of the novel.


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