Different Flags by Eugenia Renskoff

Different Flags, a book by Eugenia Renskoff, tells the story of 26-year-old Ani. Ani leaves her comfortable but stifling life in San Francisco to travel to Argentina to comfort her widowed Aunt Esther. Once back in her native country, Ani must face her unexpected feelings of love for Padre Luis, her aunt's young and handsome parish priest. Different Flags is a study of Ani's inner conflict.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

I am a writer, translator and teacher of Spanish and English to foreign students. I have been writing since I was six. I love to express myself through words. I have also traveled widely.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


February 25, 1983; It´s still very hot around here, though it is almost the end of summer. I don´t mind it, except that we have to wash ourselves several times a day and even that isn´t enough. The shower in my Tia´s bathroom doesn´t work and there´s no money to fix it. On top of that, the water supply in this part of the provincia de Buenos Aires is rather iffy. How can people live like this? When we lived here before going to the U.S. we didn´t have this problem. In fact, when we got to California, we were always surprised when people asked us about life in the slums of Argentina. We didn´t live in one, we´d answer. San Vicente is nowhere near a slum, but the water could be better. I certainly don´t want to run into Padre Luis on one of our errands and have him think that I don´t care about hygiene.
Maybe I could give English lessons and pay a good plumber to fix the shower.


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