My Foolish Heart
September 23,1986: Just like the name of one of my favorite songs. I have a very foolish heart because I cannot forget Luis.Running into one of our old neighbors from San Vicente this afternoon reminded me of this cross that I have to bear. My Tia and I had gone for a cup of cafe con leche when we saw Gloria sitting at a table near us. After talking for a while of other things, Gloria told us that Luis was going to get transferred now instead of next March. The bishop can´t wait till then because a girl has been making eyes at Luis and when she goes to Confession her skirts are just a little bit too short.He is a priest, Gloria said, but he´s still a man, an attractive young man. Next to this girl I looked dowdy in my California dresses, but I have to admit that I chased him. And I only did that because I loved him. That old funny feeling came over me and my Tia looked my way. I think I blushed and had to concentrate on my almost empty cup. Will this ever be totally over for me? Why is it so stubborn? It is, after all, Forbidden Love. My heart just doesn´t get that.
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